Uke-ish Instruments

The Ukulele is not the only small, fretted,
guitar-like instrument out there. 

Here are some others.

Cavaquinho (Brazil/Portugal)
4 nylon strings

             (The Ukulele is thought to be a variation of this instrument.)

Timple (Canary Islands, Spain)
5 nylon strings

                 (The Timple is another possible ancestor of the Ukulele.)

Mandolin (Italy)
4 pairs of metal strings

(The Mandolin is an essential part of Bluegrass Music in the United States.)

Mexican Vihuela
5 nylon strings

(The Mexican Vihuela is one of the typical instruments in Mariachi Music.)

Charango (South America)
5 pairs of strings

(The Charango is used in the music of the Andes Mountains.)

Panduri (Country of Georgia, Eurasia)
3 strings

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